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The purpose of the Band Parents Organization is to provide an infrastructure for the parents of students in the Hampton Township School District (the “District”) to promote enthusiastic interest and participation in the activities of the Hampton High School Band (the “Band”), in cooperation with the Band’s Director(s), his or her assistants, and the District’s Administration; provide support to the Color Guard, Dance, and Band Programs in all District schools


HBA supports the faculty, staff, and students involved in the band, color guard and dance team. Hampton High School has an active music program with over 150 students involved in the marching band and auxiliaries. There are a host of activities for which HBA provides volunteer and financial support.


Every family is encouraged to join the HBA. Becoming a member provides your family with the opportunity to participate in fundraisers, enables your student(s) to attend the marching band banquet free of charge (and family members at a reduced rate), and financially supports activities that enrich student participation in the music program.


Your HBA membership dues support the band and auxiliaries in many ways, including:


  • Providing refreshments to the Hampton and visiting bands at football games.

  • Hosting a summer picnic and the Homecoming Game picnic.

  • Maintaining and arranging transport of equipment trailer to away games and band trips.

  • Purchasing equipment for auxiliaries and band.

  • Purchasing flowers for senior band members and their parents for Senior Night.

  • Subsidizing the band banquet.

  • Purchasing Senior gifts.

  • Purchasing Junior band letter awards.

  • Providing funds for custom music arrangements for field show design.

  • Hiring professional musicians, conductors, and recording engineers for special concert events.

Volunteering Clearances/Mandatory Documents

The Hampton Township School District, in compliance with state Act 153 and School Board Policy No. 916, now requires volunteers to submit background check clearances to the District prior to volunteering in the District.

Please visit the school district website here for instructions on how to obtain your clearances. Once you have them please submit them to Mrs. Dorenkott

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